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Secure Chat

Securely implement LLM-powered chat without risking any data leak of PII, sensitive information, and violations of access control lists.

PII-shielded messages

Data logs per message

Out-of-box chat solutions

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Security Questionnaires

Automatically answer questions during RFP and infosec questionnaires, saving iteration time and freeing up the CISO’s schedule.

Ingest security docs (e.g. SOC 2)

Continuous training

Easy Slack Integration

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API Gateway

Securely implement LLM-powered chat without risking any data leak of PII, sensitive information, and violations of access control lists.

PII-shielded messages

Data logs per message

Out-of-box chat solutions

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Customer Genie

Enable employees to ask questions about customers without purchasing additional CRM licenses.

Easy Salesforce integration

Secure data permissions

Easy to scale

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Building blocks towards secure AI apps

Credal gives you everything you need to supercharge your business using generative AI, securely.

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